Channel: Iggy Azalea – DrunkenStepFather.com
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Iggy Azalea Putting Her Booty To Work of the Day


Iggy Azalea’s pretty much been a career dicksucker, she was just lucky enough to go viral in an era where people actually went viral, when it was easy to get famous and when those who did go viral weren’t just a bunch of FEDS or plants from the FEDS to shape the culture in the weirdest ways….if you control the influencers, you control what is being influenced….

Anyway through her career cultural appropriating like the fakest bitch around, the middle-class suburban Australian got herself a fake ass that people found comical, black guys found hot, one even knocked her up because of it….but that always was pretty fucking stupid.

All these years later, post pregnancy, post 30th birthday, the whore who clearly needs money because no one cares about her inauthentic “art” that’s really just trash clickbait, so she did an Onlyfans…where she is FINALLY putting her fat fake weird ass to use, monetizing….

This is probably from that, you know her big ass has been around a while and it’s been used for monetization and attention for a while, but seeing her produce shitty self shot twerk content is so bargain basement that I think it’s fucking MINT. LEGEND. SOLID. HYPE. DOPE. COOL…whatever the fucking word for HILARIOUS AND DESPERATE IS…but the joke in all this is that she makes more money doing this shit content than with over produced shit rap music backed by a label and radios….because the world is fucked and rewards laziness thanks to low expectation motherfuckers with a credit card….so I guess this is Iggy continuing to game the system, staying current with the scam of the times!

The post Iggy Azalea Putting Her Booty To Work of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com.

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