Channel: Iggy Azalea – DrunkenStepFather.com
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Iggy Azalea in her Underwear for Money of the Day


When I was reading up on the death of Jezebel the other day, that’s a feminist site that Gawker media owned and that used to feature me on a semi-regular basis for being a Misogynist. At one point in time I would waste my time trolling one of their ugly feminist founders, or chatting with their gross “slutty” writers….while there was one writer who I remember being cool….we’re still FB friends you know….and I don’t write her asking if she’s in the Kitchen where she belongs, but funny enough, she became a chef and is in the Kitchen where she belongs…

Anyway, the comments on reddit about the death of Jezebel said that the feminist site hated Iggy Azalea, they thought she was trash, appropriating black accents, while enhancing her body to meet the fantasies or men, fetishizing herself as part of her lame ass celebrity circus act….

I thought it was nice to see that someone who is a misogynist by their standards and a feminist by their standards or brand can align on the same issues and say “sex work may be real work, but when you’re rich and being exploitative about it, since actual girls need that sex work money”….it’s pretty trash…and when it’s presented as feminism, when clearly it’s a cash grab for money, commerce, not empowerment…and people buy into it instead of saying “Whatever, whore”….it’s problematic for BOTH parties…

Meaning, Iggy whoring is hated by all, there is comfort in that, coming together with a singular hate, we’re not so different after all! Inspiring, like her shitty plastic surgery should be to other women out there thinking about getting plastic surgery, realizing that it doesn’t look good.

This seduces or appeals to me 0 percent and I’m a pervert, so she’s doing something wrong.

The post Iggy Azalea in her Underwear for Money of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com.

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