Iggy Azalea with her titty scars out looking like shit…or like she’s covered in shit.
Maybe she’s in Toronto where the fecal throwing weirdo just got captured, she’s been to Canada before, back when she was re-applying for her WORK VISA thanks to us being part of the Australian Commonwealth, we share a Queen….and is a place these idiots go to wait out their work visas….proving that your legit immigrants are far fucking worst for your culture than the illegals…cuz she looks like she’s got shit smeared on her, but that could just be part of her blackface cultural appropriation that is zero fucking authentic…
She looks like a 65 year old drug addict…mangled as shit…maybe it will bring you flashbacks of the kind of stripper you get lapdances from..the senior citizen you feel bad for cuz she hasn’t realized that her tricks that worked 40 years earlier don’t hold the same value anymore…but she doesn’t know anything beyond those tricks so she just keeps doing them…
The post Iggy Azalea Looks like Shit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com.