Iggy Azalea is apparently 6 months pregnant with an ASS implant…that migrated from her ass cheek to her cunt…
She’s a vile fucking human, her career was built on a lie, she’s a fucking phony on all fronts and there is nothing hot about her…not even when she makes jokes about fucking the floor to be edgy, that’s her angle…a teen runaway from Australia turned underage Florida stripper…SURE bitch…prove it…
If anything, she sits at home laughing at anyone buying into her…on her pillows she’s fucked into her ass so hard they go everywhere with her…they are part of her….bitch doesn’t need a couch, give her a park bench and she’s good, no fear of hemorrhoids…she’s got a built in hemorrhoid pillow…you know the benefits of being fucking gross in trying to be hot…
Heres a throwback of her fucking the floor..
The post Iggy Azalea Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com.